Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Woman on Top

Men.  Most of them think they need to "wear the pants" in the relationship.  Always be the one to mow the lawn, fix the car, drive, and even be on top during sex.  This movie starts off with a woman, Isabella Oliveira, who was born with a massive case of motion sickness.  Yemaja; the ocean, the essence of motherhood, and a protector of children; had given young Isabella the gift of cooking.  She soon met Toninho, the handsome young singer, and they fall madly in love.  They are married and the only problem he has is that she always has to lead.  Because of her motion sickness she has to lead when dancing, has to drive, and even always be on top during sex.  The only way he can reclaim his manhood was to cheat.  One night she heard him leave and followed and caught him on top of another woman having sex.  She leaves and goes to San Fransisco to stay with her best friend, Monica, a cross-dresser.

She starts as a teacher at a cooking school and finds out she can't cook at all without thinking of her love, Toninho.  So she gets a recipe/spell from a woman back home from Brazil and makes a dish and sprinkles ashes from a photograph and sends the platter out to the sea for Yemaja.  The next day she takes off her ring and feels like a new and beautiful woman and COOKS!  The scent of her cooking leaves the apartment and enters through the nostrils of many people including a producer for a television network, Cliff Lloyd.  She leaves the house to go to cooking school and behind here is a crowd of admirers.  At the same time she is at school guess who shows up in San Fransisco... Toninho.

This movie teaches women not only to not take crap from men, but to be a free spirit.  Do what you want when you want.  The only way to get what you want is to be yourself and maybe use a few of your "talents" to get what you want.  "If you got it, flaunt it" (from The Producers).

Her first show called Passion Foods LIVE, was SPECTACULAR! She was sexy and used sexual innuendos unintentionally which made people gawk, even at a bar.  A bar of which Toninho entered and got in a bar fight defending the honor of his wife, Isabella.  Then he finds her and says he wants her back and she dismisses his request.  He follows her secretly and then sneaks into the building where they shoot her show and goes behind her and starts singing.  Ridiculous.  But the thing is, the audience loved him.  So they got Isabella's permission and he was now part of the show.  Gosh can't men just take a hint!?  She obviously didn't want him there and even threw food at him after they were done with the show he barged in on.

Monica teaches Cliff how to dance and how to FEEL Brazil in order to get Isabella to like him.  He thinks it will work.  But no.

During a commercial break Isabella tells Toninho that she wants a divorce and when the show is back LIVE he freaks out on her.  They have to cut the show and it is a classic food fight between Toninho and Cliff.  Toninho asks Monica for advice and she tells him to be a friend to Isabella.  So he tries.  He truly loves her, and I think that is so adorable.  If this had happened to me I would do the same thing: be friends.

She tries to get over Toninho by getting physical with Cliff and the phone rings and answering machine picks up.  It is Toninho and he plays a song for her as Cliff still is trying to keep going.  Isabella tips Cliff off the bed so she is on top but then he stops her and says he can't because she "still has his hooks in her".

The next show she does, executives show up to see if she can go national or not.  They make her wear a ridiculous dress because the executives want her to wear something less ethnic.  How dare they!  Less ethnic!?  They want to Americanize every little bit of American networks.  I think she was sexy with her red dresses on and hair down for the show.  Just before the show she finds out he quit the show.  A minute before they go on LIVE her peppers are not there, they are replaced with Tabasco.  Also the lights are bright, not dim, the way she likes.  They want to change everything.  They even want to get rid of Monica!  She gets mad at Cliff because he says that this show is her dream when it really is his.  So she quits.

Toninho comes that night from downstairs and screams that he wants her to lead!  He just wants her back.  So sweet and loving.  But the thing is will he truly feel that way until they die?  Can he live that way?  He sings a beautiful song to her just like he did before they were married.  She says it is too late but they kiss anyway but like she said, "It's too late."  Then it hits her: she loves him.

She tries to reverse the spell she cast.  But because of the loss of Toninho and the show she lost her art of cooking again.  A big wave hits her hard and knocks the food/spell right out of her hands; a sign that what she has done can not be undone by a spell.  She wakes up on the shore later.

When she returns to the building where she had done her show, Toninho was there.  He asks if they can cook once more.  And as it used to be, they cooked together.  My heart skipped a beat when I saw this scene.  The scent of their cooking disperses through the windows and to Cliff and Monica's place and they go outside and smile at each other!  Gay?  Bisexual!?  I hope so!

As Isabella is taking a bite with her eyes closed the scene cuts back to the restaurant in Brazil and the fish disappear at the same time as it thunders.  The scene cuts back to Isabella and Toninho and the sprinklers go off and it tastes like the sea!  Isabella finally confesses she loves him!  They go back to Brazil together and in the final scene she is on top!  Both of them enjoying themselves as they passionately make love.

Also, one thing I think is weird is that I think the trailer seems like a preview for a totally different movie.

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